
January 31, 2024

2024, №9 (1-3) issue of the Journal

CONTENT, IMPORTANCE, FEATURES OF THE AFRS FOR SMALL BUSINESS ENTITIES The role of social networks in crisis communication – classic media trends European missionaries in Georgia […]
February 15, 2023

2023, №8 (1-3) issue of the Journal

Management of Stress Fracture in Distal Fibula in a Patient with Flatfoot: A Case Report Manika Goel, Dr. Shikha Singh, Prof. (Dr.) Jasmine Anandabai 创意写作是培养工匠精神的利器 ——兼论高职文科教学改革 […]
December 16, 2020

2020, №5 (10-12) issue of the Journal

TACTO: A Fast, Flexible and Open-source Simulator for High-Resolution Vision-based Tactile Sensors Shaoxiong Wang, Mike Lambeth, Po-Wei Chou, Roberto Calandra Pedestrian Behavior Prediction for Automated Driving: Requirements, Metrics, and […]